Small preview image4G is hardly something we in the north of Europe has to ponder on for quite a while, since the precedor 3G still hasn’t become the leading network here. The third and fourth generation of mobile phone technology (3G and 4G) is primarily designed for better transferring of data. This is to support video calls and similar that requires a lot more bandwidth than the GSM-network can handle. It’s Japan’s largest Telecom company that now has stated one of the goals with its new and coming G4-technology. Its 3G-solution offers up and download speeds at 384Kbps but its G4-technology will support transfers at 1Gbps.

NTT DoCoMo has earlier been able to reach 1Gbps transfer speeds within its labs, while the new tests outside shows that the technology is starting become final. In other words Japan is getting ready with technology that transfers data many times faster than the fastest broadband connections we have.

Although NTT DoCoMo isn’t planning on building its 4G-network until 2010, which is at least a small comfort for us. The company will however offer optimized 3G-services that supports download speeds up to 100Mbps. It’s quite clear that wireless technology has a lot more to offer and we shouldn’t be surprised if it will be used for more stationary uses such as broadband connections.

Source: CDRInfo

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