Intel is absolutely serious with its Media Center venture and is now hunting for new design concepts for its Viiv-based multimedia PCs. Intel has published information about a competition at its website which announce that it is looking for small, sexy and stylish PCs which will house system with Intel’s Core 2 Duo processors. It encourages PC designers to take on this challenge and if the honor isn’t good enough there is also $1 million at stake here. There is namely a reward for up to 1 million dollar for the designer and builder which brings forth the winning design concept. The systems which participate will be judged on their style, acoustics, functionality and features.
“Our intent with the Intel Core Processor Challenge is to think outside of the box — think sexy, small and sleek PCs optimized for multimedia entertainment – and we’re putting our money where our mouth is,”
Intel hopes to bring Media Center systems to a new level through this and we are really looking forward to seeing the contributions. At the beginning of next year it will start grading the contributions and winning design will be announced at IDF in San Francisco between March 20 and 22, 2007.
“The Intel Core Processor Challenge is open to PC designers and manufacturers worldwide. Intel will award the grand prize winner with up to $300,000 to help enable the mass production of the winning system and $400,000 for co-marketing activities with Intel around the winning system. The first-place winner will receive up to $300,000 to help enable the mass production of their winning system.”