Xeon 5300 will be the name of Intel’s first quad-core server processor and as we’ve earlier reported the processor series is expected to be launched officially on November 13. It’s hard to break old habits though and Intel has now started its PR campaign for the Xeon 5300 family through a presentation by server manufacturer Tyan. During IDF Taipei, Tyan has displayed a server cluster which uses 5 nodes with 2 processor sockets each. With 10 Xeon 5300 processors under the hood we have a total of 40 physical processor cores working together and this has resulted in a calculation pwoer of about 45 Teraflops.
Thanks to the relatively power efficient Clovertown architecture the system has power consumption of a mere 15KW. Quite a lot compred to a regular office PC it’s quite a lot, but nothing compared to the realyl big clusters. The price of Tyan Typhoon will be 50,000 USB.
Tyan Typhoon is most likely just one out of many server system which will be using Intel’s new quad-core processors. The server market can use all of the parallel power it gets and this is something Xeon 5300 (Clovertown) has a lot of.