That laptops need storage too is hardly news and several manufacturers have been equipping there laptops with harddrives sporting up to 160GB-200GB capacity, which is certainly not something to be ashamed of when it comes to the 2.5″ format. However, that doesn’t seem to be enough for Dell and Alienware as they’ve now launched the first laptops with 250GB 2.5″ harddrives. Two of the manufacturers’ high-end machines; Alienware m9700 and Dell XPS M2010, both have room for two of these. This means that you can get as much as 500GB of storage in a laptop, something one could only dream about a few years back. The new 250GB harddrives are working at 5400 RPM with an 8MB buffer and actually cost just as much/little as the 160GB model spinning at 7200 RPM.
Exactly what harddrives that Alienware and Dell are using isn’t stated, but those who are interested in some rigorous amount of storage with your new laptop should be more than pleased with these two monsters.