Samsung has announced a new mobile processor for smartphones and navigators that will hit the market in Q3. The chip is called S3C6410 and contains a 667MHz ARM processor with hardware acceleration of video (H.264, MPEG-4 and VC-1) and 3D graphics. The 65nm processor have been designed with support for several different kinds of memory, among other both flash and DRAM. Samsung announced the new chip at the opening of Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.
The chip can record video at 640x480px and play back video at the same time. This makes it possible to use a single chip for video conferences and regular video calls. To improve bandwidth and reduce lag due to heavy loads, Samsung has fitted the chip with dual RAM ports. The chip can be used with practically every major mobile device operating system on the market, and it shouldn’t take too long before we see the first devices sporting Samsung’s new chip.
Apple has been using Samsung’s previous ARM processors and we wouldn’t be surprised if S3C6410 will end up in future iPhones and iPods.