We recently reported on the new MP3 player iPod Shuffle from Apple. With a minimalistic design and innovative functions like moving the control pad to the earphone cable (truly breathtaking engineering *yawn*) Apple is targeting those who are looking for just the bare essential. ifixit.com has gotten a hold of a sample and started by tearing it apart. The result can be see on the pictures below.
(do note that the coin was not found inside the player)
As you can see the chips are anything by extreme, neither in size nor functionality, but then again this is a very simple player we’re dealing with. In our last report we also mentioned the meager battery time which is also two hours shorter than the last generation Shuffle and the reason is simply because of the extremely tiny battery. It might be worth mentioning that Apple actually offers to replace the battery if it gets worn out, but this costs $49, which feels a bit over the top when the entire player costs $79.
There have been discussion about whether you can use your own headphones, and you can, but then you have to be without the ability to pause, change song, get the song title read to you or change volume, but then again better earphones are coming…