According to stubborn rumors Apple is currently working on a tablet PC. According to DigiTimes the manufacturing of Apple’s Tablet PC has been signed to Foxconn, which is expected to ship between 300,000-400,000 units before the launch in Q1 2010. The unit will sport a 10.6″ display and intended buyer is a bit different than we’re accustomed to with Apple.
Apple Tablet PC will primarily target e-books with a simple and userfriendly interface that reminisce of OS X. The exact functions for music and video playback are unknown, but it won’t incriminate all too much on the battery time of the device, which will be one of the keys to success.
At the same time it is said that Hewlett-Packard is working on a similar Tablet PC that will launch in Q2 2010. But much like the rumors surrounding Apple’s Tablet PC there’s not much we can say for certain at this time.
Different Apple Tablet PC concepts by eager Photoshop users (Images courtesy of Cygnett’s Blog)