One of the major advantages of new and more efficient manufacturing technologies is that circuits require less voltage to operate. This is already put to use with the latest 32 nanometer technology and Westmere architecture. In the second half of 2010 we expect to see product using ultra-low voltage CPUs. Intel use ULV processors in the ultrathin segment and this is where the first 32nm additions should appear.
The processors that will launch as versions of Core i3 and Core i5 will operate at lower clock frequencies than the current models. This enables Intel to lower voltages and reduce power consumption.
Exactly how much Intel has managed to lower the power consumption of the coming 32nm ULV processors is uncertain, but the first ultrathin notebooks sporting these CPus are expected to appear before the school starts in Fall.
Ultrathin Dell Vostro V13 with CULV CPU (consumer ultra-low voltage)