Fresh start-up and Solid State maker Memoright and its VP Alex Kuo are predicting bright things for SSDs. Kuo was asked by DigiTimes about his views on the SSD industry and the difficulties of being a new actor on this market. Kuo said that the SSD technology have several advantages over regular mechanical harddrives, including both data density and energy efficiency. According to Alex Kuo this will only lead to a steady increase in demand for SSD products over the coming years.

Memoright started in 2006 has focused primarily on the business segment and have been contracted by the US Military to develop SSD solutions for customers in Asia.

Starting in retail isn’t best of choices according to Alex Kou since it is saturated and hard to compete in.

The SSD technology is still growing and during the comping year many technological advancements will improve the technology further. New and more efficient manufacturing processes will result in higher storage densities and lower production costs.

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