Apple managed to created a lot of discussion with its new tablet, and even if  iPad isn’t without drawbacks, Apple has the ability to create buzz for less. We know that companies like Microsoft, HP, ASUS and MSI are all working on their own solutions and we can count more to make an attempt. Now it looks like graphics circuit maker NVIDIA is the key to whipping Apple and iPad.

We are of course referring to NVIDIA’s Tegra 2 SoC (System-on-a-chip) that was presented in detail during CES earlier this month. Tegra 2 looks to become one of the most powerful SoC available as NVIDIA paired two ARM Cortex A9 processor cores with dedicated circuits for picture, video and audio signals. And of course, a dedicated graphics circuit, made by NVIDIA.


NVIDIA has promised 1080p playback but also that the integrated graphics circuit will be capable of handling Flash and advanced 3D graphics for that matter. It seems the company has managed to land several big contracts around the industry. We have seen products from MSI and ASUS with Tegra 2 inside and according to the latest information more companies are lining up to get a hold of NVIDIA’s latest Tegra circuit.

NVIDIA VP Jen-Hsun Huang showing Tegra 2 circuit board

Good news for NVIDIA that is said to have invested near 600 million dollar in the development of the latest Tegra- platform. At the same time there are obstacles for, e.g. Microsoft, whose Windows operating system isn’t compatible with ARM, and thus Tegra 2.Tech Eye

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