WarCraft III uppdatering


Blizzard har i dagarna släppt en ny patch till sin Beta för WarCraft III. Man har lagt till två nya enheter (Druid of the Talon och Peasant Militia) och en hög med olika spells och sk. abilities:

– Orc Pillage [Peon, Grunt, and Raider] – A passive ability that adds resources to the player when damaging buildings.
– Human Call To Arms [Peasants] – Peasants can now temporarily turn into “Militia” units to defend your town from attacks. You can swap them from Peasant to Militia at the Town Hall at any time. After some time has passed, your Militia unit will tire of war and revert back to a peasant.
– Hide [Archer, Huntress, and the Hero Priestess Of The Moon] – This “night only” ability will cease current order and ignore targets, activating Shadowmeld (Invisibility). If attacked, “hiding” unit will respond.
– Renew [Wisp] – Heals Ancients and mechanical units.
– Faerie Fire [Druid of the Talon] – Reduces enemy target’s armor and prevents unit from becoming invisible.
– Cyclone [Druid of the Talon] – Immobilizes enemy target.
– Roar [Druid of the Claw] – Increases attack damage for all units within area of effect.

Man har även släppt första bilden på hur boxen kommer att se ut.

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