ASUS ROG Immensity was one of the most exciting motherboard we encountered during Computex 2010. The board houses the Intel X58 chipset and LucidLogix Hydra graphics bridge, and an AMD Juniper GPU. A unique motherboard the least to say, so we decided to look closer.

Earlier we published some pictures of the powerful heatpipe cooler, but our reporter Johan Karlsson returned to ASUS’ booth for some more pictures of the board its numerous circuits.

ASUS ROG Immensity is only a concept today, even if it is a working concept it hasn’t been decided whether the board will actually reach retail stores. According to our sources there are still discussions on exactly what circuits the board should use.

One of the arguments, that doesn’t sound too bad, is ditching the Hydra bridge chip and keep the Juniper circuit (Radeon HD 5770 flavor) and enable Eyefinity. This would make ASUS ROG Immensity the first LGA 1366 motherboard with integrated graphics, and not a bad one. An interesting platform for those who are looking for a powerful workhorse but also capable of gaming.

Worst case scenario, ASUS ROG Immensity remains a concept, but we can’t help liking this board that brings pretty much anything you want. The only thing missing would be a Killer NIC network processor, but that would require an extended formfactor. Below we have a whole bunch of high resolution pictures showing how ASUS managed to fit all of the circuits on the motherboard.

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