Intel will launch its second 32nm microarchitecture in January 2011, this while AMD is struggling to get its first 32nm products out on the market. During Intel Developer Forum 2010 Intel confirmed that is already making processors with 22nm technology, for launch in late 2011.

That Intel is already producing circuits with its next generation manufacturing technology is not really a surprise, but still impressive that it is so consistent in moving to new nodes. Other foundries are having a lot more problems, e.g. TSMC with its 40nm node and GlobalFoundries with its 32nm node.

“”We are on track to deliver 22nm. Last year, at IDF, I showed you the first working wafer with SRAM devices on it. This year, I’m happy to report that our first first microprocessor designed for 22nm is moving through our fabs as we speak here today. It’s on track for delivery in the second half of next year,” said Paul Otellini, chief executive of Intel


Intel has already revealed that the next “tick” (shrink in node) is developed under the code name Ivy Bridge. We know very little about the specifications of the circuit and how it will be different from Sandy Bridge, beside the 22nm node. Products with Ivy Bridge is not expected to reach the market until the start of 2012, but that it can already produce 22nm circuits should be clear signal to the competition.

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