AMD released the new Llano architecture in the middle and end of June, and have already managed to ship one million circuits, says AMD. Llano has been out in the open for a whole month’s period and the first sales figures are showing exactly what AMD was hoping for.

AMD launched the Brazos platform with the energy efficient C and E series at 9W and 18W earlier on, and they quickly became popular since they offered relatively good performance for thin and portable formats. During the first quarter Brazos sold 3 million units, while in Q2 it sold another 6 million units.

AMD said in its latest fiscal report that it was hoping that Llano would beat Brazos in number of units per time period. It looks like it has done so since it shopped 1 million during June, and another 1.3-1.5 million during July, which means that it will only have to ship a few hundred thousand more to beat Brazos’ 3 million in one quarter.

Brazos and Llano are AMD’s first products to combine CPU, GPU and northbridge into one, also known as an APU. It hopes to broaden the ecosystem to one that uses the properties of the GPU not only for games but also regular programs. While AMD is still the underdog it shows clearly that both manufacturers and consumers wants Fusion. A proof of this is that it has increased sales on desktop and notebook markets, while it keeps losing ground in servers.

Llano has good availability in desktop, but so far very few Llano notebooks are in stock, or for that matter even listed. With Brazos it took months before we reach acceptable availability and we that the development will go faster with Llano.

Source: Digitimes

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