Today is Rheobus day


Today came three reviews on three different Rheobusses. A Rheobus is simply a regulator that makes it possible to change the speed on a fan. Firstly we have WildReviews that has reviewed Zalman’s solution. Zalman provides with the flashiest model with four adjustable regulators, two electricity controllers, light-emitting diodes and a plexi front. It seems to do it’s job well.

Then we have 8Balls Hardware that has taken a closer look at a kit from Sunbeam. Some of it you have to build yourself, which most people should be able to do by themself. The advantage here is that you are able to choose the color on the front panel and the light-emitting diodes by yourself so that it will fit with your case.

And finally we have OverclockersClub. They have looked at a somewhat different solution, namely a Rheobus that fits in a 3.5″slot. This is good for those of us with many 5.25″ units, and who does actually have more than one floppy drive today? The downside is that it is somewhat weak, but it’s still enough for most computers.

Three different products with the same functions, all based on a simple circuit. And if you are pretty handy with your soldering-iron you may be able to build your own. Read more about Zalman, Sunbeam or 3.5″.

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