ABIT introduce betaBIOS for NF7-S which solve the SATA-problems


We have under a long period of time covered the problems with SATA on ABIT’s popular NF7-S-motherboard. It showed up some information couple of weeks ago about an upcoming fix to the SATA-problems because of the cooperation between ABIT and Silicon Image. It showed up even more solutions on this problem only few days after. It has been quite silent about this since then but today we found out that ABIT has released a betaBIOS which should solve all the problems. Both loosing performance and corrupt harddrives should be but a memory.

ABIT Technichal Department
“Please check attached beta BIOS to fix SATA RAID-0 issue. The testresult in TPE lab is so far so good and no performance drop. We willmake beta solution available on fae site today.”

But because it’s only a betaBIOS, it might occur some desieases. We haven’t tested the new betaBIOS ourselves but there are two versions here below for thoose who are interested. For thoose of you who test the new betaBIOS, you are very welcome to share your results in the forum.

–  ABIT NF7-S v1.x (19B0)  –  ABIT NF7-S v2.0 (14B1)  –

ABIT has also left a message about their ABIT NF7-S v2.0 which managed the test for 400MHz FSB-support, which we can see the proof of here.

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