Winamp 5.0 rc8 available for download


On only a few days the team behind the media player Winamp has released a several number of updated versions of their new player Winamp 5. In the writing moment it is Winamp 5 rc 8 (release candidate) which is the latest version, there has come a lot of updates and bugfixes since we reported about Winamp 5 beta 1 and it can undeniably be worth a download for those who want to update their Winamp 5 player or simply want to try a new player.
Only the following changes are made since the rc7 version:

* modern skin updates
– fixed config menu radiobuttons turning off when clicked again
– fixed unreadable selected list item text color in 2 gamma groups
– fixed theme list using slightly different colors than ml lists
– fixed taskbar move syscommand bringing up wa2 main window
* updated avs, faster evallib. makes eval heavy presets superfaster.
* made cd ripping unlock drive and cleanup on exit in middle of rip

You can find more info about Winamp 5 rc8 in’s forum where among other things there is a long list of improvements and bugfixes.

Direct download link is available here.

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