At they’ve reported on Micosoft’s plans on uppdating their browser Internet Explorer. Bill Gates has announced that they are working on Internet Explorer 7.0 and that a beta-version should be released within the near future.

“Building on those advancements, Gates announced Internet Explorer 7.0, designed to add new levels of security to Windows XP SP2 while maintaining the level of extensibility and compatibility that customers have come to expect. Internet Explorer 7.0 will also provide even stronger defenses against phishing, malicious software and spyware. The beta release is scheduled to be available this summer.”

There are no details on the new functions in IE7 but we surely hope and believe that Microsoft has realized that there is much to improve in IE, not only when it comes to security but also among the features.

Whether Microsoft will continue to walk their own way or adjust to the competition from browsers such as Mozilla Firefox remains to see, in the middle March we should see the first hints on what IE/ migt look like.


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