We’ve earlier reported on display technologies that is strikingly similar to regular paper and now we can actually we what’s possibly with this rather flexible technology.
Seiko Watch and Seiko Epson has namely developed a wrist watch that uses an “electronic paper” as display. One of the big advantages with this is of course that you can bend it more or less the way you like, which they’ve really put to use when manufacturing the watch.

“A 3 x 9 cm electronic paper is curved and embedded along the watch’s bracelet-shaped surface. The e-paper displays a constantly-altering mosaic pattern, in addition to the conventional time display. “We aimed to develop a new type of watch that has never existed before,” said a company spokesperson. “Then electronic paper caught our eye.”

Seiko has without a doubt managed to create a very stylish watch and we are quite convinced that we will see more of it in the future.

As the order goes the japanese will be the first to enjoy and invest in Seiko’s paper watch sometime during this year.
There are so far no official prices but we have to say that expecting a fairly high price is probably not a bad guess.

Source: Tech On

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