Small preview imageXbox 360 is together with Playstation 3 the two biggest attractions, without question, at this year’s E3 and both Microsoft and Sony have been showing of their consoles. Many of Sony’s demos have received citicism because most of them are most likely prerendered thus not showing of its true performance. Not all that odd though since the hardware is far fram done and is not launched until next year. Microsoft has had several “live”-demos where the system has been running real demos and even allowed visitors to test early versions of some games.


Det har dock inte gått helt klanderfritt då flera demos och speluppvisningar sett något hackiga ut och helt enkelt inte flytigt på så bra som man hade hoppats. Även bristen på kantutjämning är något som vi sett kommentarer kring i många fall. Nu har det dock dykt upp en förklaring till varför prestandan på Microsofts E3-system inte riktigt räckt till. De utvecklingssystem som används av spelutvecklarna i dagsläget, och som används för att visa upp Xbox 360 på E3, levererar nämligen bara en tredjedel så hög prestnada som Xbox 360 kommer erbjuda.

“When asked about this issue our source replied that the current playable 360 games would all have framerate issues due to the fact that they are running on alpha test units. A rough estimate placed these machines at about one-third as powerful as the 360. We went head-to-head in Top Spin 2 and noticed that there were visible jaggies and a few frame drops. This is because the Alpha units do not run anti-aliasing and simply don’t have the power to run a high-res game at full quality. The developers had tuned Top Spin 2 to run at a smooth 60 frames per second but this was simply not possible on the Alpha hardware. Official sources place the final development kit dates for July and the results promise to look much better.”

In other words things are gonna get better but we are of course positive to that Microsoft has shown several titles live even though they are far from done.

Source: IGN

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