GeForce 7800GT might be the next card in nVidia’s 7800-series and according to CoolTechZone it seems 7800GT will be revealed at Quakecon 2005 in August. We have already seen traces of new circuits based on nVidia’s G70-arcitecture in among others its betadrivers. Most people are right now awaiting a cheaper version in the 7800-series, something 7800GT will be perfect for. Even if no official information is available at the time the price of 7800GT will be around $449.99, that is if we are to trust CoolTechZone’s information. This is considerably less than the price of 7800GTX which was around $600. Whether we will see 7800GT next month remains to see, but we are sure hoping so. Source: CoolTechZone
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