Small preview imageThere has been been blowing gales of winds around ATi lately, not only because of leaked performance tests with the R520-circuit but also what seems to be the achilles heal of Crossfire, a slow bridge. Before we’ve seen any official tetsts with Crossfire it is hard to tell how much of a problem this really is. Some who seem to believe they have it all cleared out now with the lacks and defects of Crossfire is nVidia. At TechPowerUp! they’ve published pictures of what is suppose to be nVidia presentation where NVIDIA simply tells us what the downsides of Crossfire and ATi’ coming chipsets are.

They call the presentation “The Thruth about Crossfire” if this happends to be correct ATi is in for a though time. However this should of course be taken with several truckloads of salt as there is a certain hidden motive with this.

:: Watch nVidia’s presentation at TechPowerUp!

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