Well, the famous overclocker k|ngp|n has done it again. Using a DFi Expert, a FX60 clocked at 3560MHz (!!!) together with two 7800 GTX512MB cards clocked at 779/2160 MHz, he passed 19k in 3DMark05 with 43points! He used a Dragon Copper pot to cool down the CPU to about -50 degrees centigrade, this is one of the first FX60’s I’ve seen that can handle this kind of cold. Temperature at the GPU was about -70 degrees centigrade. It’s going to be interesting to see when ATi’s cards will pass 19K, rumors has it over at XS.org that we’ll see it very soon. Until then, a big applause to K|ngp|n for accomplishing this remarkable feat!

Souce: Xtremesystems.org

:: The score at Futuremark’s ORB

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