A 29-year-old man in Connecticut, USA newly received his sentence after having been caught selling source code from both Windows 2000 and Windows NT 4. William Genovese Jr. was sentenced to two years in prison and three years of probation for his crime, something that may sound harsh, but you have to bear in mind that Genovese earlier had served 12 penalties, 3 computer-related and one for sexual assault. A fact that probably had its part in the final sentence. If Genovese hadn’t gave himself up, he would be facing the risk of being put away for 10 years and being fined up to $250 000. Particularly interesting is that this happens at the same time as Microsoft are under pressure from EU about giving their source-code up for competitors. EU thinks that Microsoft’s protection of their source-code has helped them maintaining their monopoly-like position on the software market.
Source: BetaNews