Apple launched with the fith generation of iPod the first model that could handle video, thus it was named iPod video. Not by everyone though, whereof Apple was one. The reason is simply that this was not the rumoured iPod video everyone had been expecting, but simply a quick reply to the competitors’ video capable MP3 players. Now Think Secret reports that Apple is working on a “real” iPod video and this time it is not a tweaked MP3 player, but really player made for mobile video playback. Apple’s video iPod will use a large LCD display at 3.5″ and the iPod click wheel will disappear, or more correct be moved on to the display. “Sources who have seen the device report that it features a digital click wheel, one that overlays the touch-sensitive display and appears when a finger touches it and disappears when the finger is removed.” Apple has been working hard on the navigation system and it will hardly make the same licensing mistake again. So far this is just rumours, but we should hear more about this soon. Source: Think Secret
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