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Jing Ting JTS-0005 is something as ordinary as a cooler for motherboards with two video cards and this is one of the first times we’ve posted any news about such a trivial matter. The reason is of course that it is not just any cooler as there is a very good thought behind the design. Those who have a system with two video cards knows that one of them often cover the chipset cooler and the coolers used with SLI motherboards are also often loud becuase of the high heat dissipation of the nForce4 SLI chipset. These chipset coolers can’t be exchanged for just anything either and it’s hard to find a silent cooler that both fits and keeps the system stable. That’s where Jing Ting JTS-0005 enters and brings a heatpipe design intended for SLI systems.

Alas, the cooler seems to be far from optimal for all SLI motherboards, since they have a tendency to have different layouts, buth overall the cooler seems to be a good solution for SLI systems and especially if you are one of those who can’t stand the high pitch sound from the chipset fan.

:: Read on at MadShrimps

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