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Plextor has launched a new series of shock-proof portable harddrives to satisfy the demand for durable external storage units. The two models being introduced will be called PX-SP08U and PX-SP12U, where the difference is the capacity, 80GB and 120GB. Plextor has adapted the fact that you often want to combine a clean design with at least temporary shock protection. It’s not all that nice to have a rubber dealie standing on the desk as oppose to when it’s in your pocket as the base design of Plextor’s portable harddrives is a faded silver finish, but when it’s time to head out you put it into a protective covering made from silicon, something we all know is soft and absorbs shocks well.

The harddrive use the USB2.0 interface and spin at 5400 RPM and seek time at 12ms. Only 12.5mm high and weighing only 170g they are real light to carry along. The price of the new drive will be about €170 for the 80GB model while the 120GB model will cost about €260. The harddrives will become available later this month.

Source: Plextor

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