AMD Fab 36 was announced about six months ago and became the first 300mm wafer plant owned by AMD. When the plant opened it didn’t have any production and wouldn’t ship any products until the first quarter of 2006. Now AMD has started shipping processors from Fab 36; Athlon 64 and Sempron processors. At Anandtech they’ve published a short article from their visit at AMD’s press event where AMD announced it has now started to make use of its 300mm plant to be able to reach the demand for its 90nm processors.
“In terms of capacity, by 2008 AMD plans to be able to crank out 20,000 (300mm) wafers per month out of Fab 36 which would double its microprocessor production capacity to approximately 100M CPUs per year (thanks to larger wafers and smaller transistors). For comparison, Fab 30 currently produces 30,000 (200mm) wafers per month.”
AMD took the opportunity to tell them about its first successful 45nm process, where it has, just as Intel, made a 45nm SRAM wafer with good results. We are still waiting for AMD to make use of its 65nm technology, but that is not expected to become apparent to us consumers until the end of the year, when the first samples should arrive.
AMD Fab 36