ATI released a patch for the game The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion last week. The patch’s function was to make it possible for Radeon X1000 owners to activate both antialiasing and HDR at the same, something the game did not support officially, except for the Xbox 360 version. The patch is called “Chuck Patch” and the nickname comes from the name of the programmer that solved the riddle of AA + HDR with Oblivion. Most Oblivion players were very happy with just getting optimal image quality with their X1000 video cards through the new patch, but then there were those who wanted to know more about the patch. Hexus therefore took the opportunity to have a talk with the now worldfamous Chuck.
“Previously a combo found only on the Xbox 360, high dynamic range rendering plus AA lets you get the dual visual advantages of a better lighting model and reduction of geometry aliasing. Sacrificing one feature for the other isn’t really what a modern gamer is looking for, but sacrifice is what developers sometimes have to do, depending on rendering engine and time and skill available to make the features work together on able hardware.”