Small preview imageATI hsa according to sources decided to abandon any plans for introducing 80nm-based graphics circuits during 2006 as TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company), which manufactures ATI’s circuits, hasn’t been able to reach sufficient yeild rates with the 80nm technology. It simply means that too many of the 80nm-based circuits are broken, something that would create problems with availability and high production costs when going into mass production. ATI claims that its plans for moving onto 80nm during 2006 remains and that it is going for 65nm circuits in 2007.

“The sources indicated that ATI originally planned to produce its graphics chips (RV560, RV570, RV505 and RV535) scheduled for release in the third quarter of this year using 80nm process technology. However, due to TSMC not being able to improve its yield rates, ATI will use 90nm node to manufacture the mid-range RV560 and RV570 chips.”

Source: DigiTimes

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