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When Microsoft-owned MSNBC publishes an article about Windows Vista, Microsoft’s coming operating system, you of course hesitate about the amount of bias. MSNBC has now published a short news article about Windows Vista Beta 2 and if Microsoft has tweaked this article things are looking quite bad, if not really bad for Vista. They are not holding back on the punches, but do emphasize that it is just a Beta. This is something that can be noticed all the way through the testing and the writer claims that the Vista installation was the single worst operating system experience he has ever had the “pleasure” of accounting. Apparently it took him several days to install a working version of Vista Beta 2 on the laptop he wanted to use.

“After a weekend of frustration — more than 30 hours of my time — and some help from Microsoft — I have Vista almost Beta 2 running (somewhat) on a laptop.”

Luckily for Microsoft it is just a Beta and it has, after the last delay, still a lot of time to tie everything up. If it launches an unstable and faulty version of Vista it would be a catastrophe after the constant delays.

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