Intel has already come a long way with its power efficient processors since it decided to abandon the NetBurst architecture for the coming launch of Core. There are still always ways for oen to improve an already good technology and now Intel says that it has developed a new technology which create considerably more efficient transistors; tri-gate transistors. With this technology in coming processor chips Intel expects to either increase performance by 45% or lower the power consumption by 35% compared to the current 65nm transistors.
Intel’s technology is expected to prolong the lifespan of Moore’s law which says that the number of transistors in circuits will double every 18 months, give or take a few. It will most likely take a few years before Intel can make the technology “market-ready” and we should be able to expect tri-gate transistors in about 2010 with Intel’s 32nm or 22nm manufacturing processes.
“A tri-gate transistor is a component in the standard complementary metal oxide semiconductor design, but acts as a better “traffic cop” to control the flow of electrons, surrounding each wire on three sides instead of just one.”