Apple will launch its sequel to the PowerMac G5 during Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) in August and it will then conclude its transition to Intel’s processor platform. It has already launched several new stationary and portable systems using Intel’s platform, but the flagship PowerMac G5 is still waiting to be updated. Now the time has come and we should be able to expect the first Mac systems with Intel Conroe processors. Pro Mac, which is the foretold name of the system, will be shipped with either one or two dual-core processors. The same setup used by Apple with its PowerPC-based PowerMac G5s.
Now new information has appeared that says that Apple will also tune the exterior of the computer and simply use a unique chassis with the new series. Exactly what changes there will be is uncertani but it will be relatively easy to separate a PowerMac G5 from a Pro Mac.