Xbox 360 will gain a greater value, but no price cut


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Xbox 360 will in November be greeted by its first real competition in the form of the next generation video game consoles from Sony and Nintendo. Despite that many were hoping that Microsoft would lower the price of its video game console before the rivals entered the market Microsoft has denied any such thing, but now rumors have surfaced, and if they are correct, would add value to Xbox 360 without a price cut. The rumor namely states that Microsoft plans to release a an Xbox 360 package for the same price as today’s Premium package, $399. With this package it has added accessories worth up to $80-90.

The package will contain not only a Xbox 360 Premium video game console, but also the game Project Gotham Racing 3, 1250 Xbox Live Marketplace points and a three month subscription to Xbox Live! Gold. The rumor does not come from the most reliable of sources, a forum user who claims to be close to a distributor, men but as they say at Gamespot this sounds a like a move Microsoft has a lot to gain from. We can’t imagine MS making any changes to its assortment before November and this may very well be its plan to attract more customers when the competition hardens.

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