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SanDisk is one of the fastest growing MP3 player manufacturers on the market and now it has teamed up with RealNetworks to become a serious threat to Apple’s iPod and iTunes imperium. SanDisk will launch special versions of its Sansa e200 equipped with support for RealNetwork’s new Rhapsody DNA platform. Rhapsody DNA is a technology which lets compatible units conveniently and simple take part in RealNetwork’s online music service Rhapsody. Through this partnership SanDisk and RealNetwork have created there very own iPod+iTunes model and with Microsoft Zune+Zune marketplace it seems there will be more than a few media platforms to choose from in the future.

“The e200s with the special Rhapsody DNA platform will come equipped with nearly 32 hours of pre-loaded music from hundreds of the world’s most popular artists on EMI Recorded Music, SONYBMG Music Entertainment, Universal Music Group, and Warner Music Group, as well as leading independent labels.”

RealNetworks has also announced that is working on making more manufacturers interested in its Rhapsody DNA so it doesn’t become a new iTunes were only one player is compatible. The MP3 player market is really starting to grow and the development is going to be very interesting to follow now that the online stores have started to become at least as important as the hardware itself. More information about SanDisk and RealNetworks cooperating can be found in their press release.

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