Ultrabooks was the only Intel and many partners were talking about at CES, and they are spending large resources to make the concept appealing to the larger masses. According to a new survey most notebooks will look like Ultrabooks in the coming five years.

There is a demand for slimmer and lighter designs for all kinds of mobile devices. Juniper Researchbelieves that the same thing applies to the notebooks market, and we have already seen the beginning of it. As demand rises more and more notebooks will start looking like Ultrabooks.

Currently Ultrabooks cost too much to make, since it is a design and formfcator no one has worked with on a large scale – sans Apple with MacBook Air. It takes different compoennts and manufacturing technologies, which quickly ramps up the prices.

In reality an Ultrabook uses fewer components and raw material overall, which should result in a lower price as soon as the manufacturing technology has caught up with the concept. It also says that tablet will have a considerable share of the market and be sold in higher quantities than Ultrabooks, since prices will be very low by then. The Ultrabook is expected to break through this year, with the launch of Intel’s next generation processors; Ivy Bridge. Also Microsoft Windows 8 that is slated to appear in October will be a key component to the concept.

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