We’ve earlier reported about AMD’s plans to drastically cut all of its Athlon 64 processor prices and that such a cut would happen when Intel decides to launch Conroe. The first information about this price cut showed some massive decreasements and now that detailed information has appeared at DailyTech it shows some really massive price cuts ranging across basically AMD’s whole assortment. Especially the stationary processor models fighting against Intel’s new Core 2 Duo family have received some heavy duty cuts where we can take Athlon 64 X2 5000+ as an example.
This processor costs 649 USD today, after July 24 when the lowerings have been put into effect the new price will be 282 USD. It’s a cut of over 56% and this makes AMD’s processors seem a lot more interesting, no doubt about that. Basically AMD’s entire Athlon 64 family gets price cuts of 50% or more, which tends for a real fight about the consumers’ love and money at the end of July. The entire price list can be found at hitta på DailyTech and at TechReport they’ve done an interesting summary containing Intel’s Core 2 Duo processors as well.
Image from TechReport