AMD is most likely in for a rough ride the coming months as chip giant Intel has now launched its longed Conroe family, Core 2 Duo/Core 2 Extreme. One of AMD’s replies to Conroe will according to persistent rumors be the coming K8L architecture but also a technology dubbed reversed HyperThreading by the press. The technology would make multi-core processors extemely efficient when running single-threaded applications by simulating a single core by dividing the workload over the two real cores. Now it seems that reversed HyperThreading is just a rumor, a myth or wishful thinking, you pick.
More sources now claims that the earlier earlier have simply been false and if that’s not enough Ars Technica has added its view on the whole debate. Acknowledged tech writer Jon “Hannibal” Stokes has namely in more technical terms explained why AMD lacks any possibility, or even interest in using such a technology with its processors. In other words all of you who expected free performance with single-threaded applications can stop hoping now and to AMD fanboys the K8L architecture is the next great halt to look forward to.