Apple will most likely update both its iPod mini and iPod Shuffle series with new players in short. It won’t happen during the “special event” Apple has invited people to September 7th. This event will be focusing on Motorola’s iTunes phone and Apple’s cooperation with Cingular. The information on the iTunes-phone and its capacity seems to a bit split, but we hope to have a final answer later this week. The new iPod-players will be launched soon according to Think Secret and the first is a flashbased iPod mini with color screen. The new iPod mini will be 20 to 25% smaller than its predecessor thanks to the usage of flashmemory. The flashbased iPod mini will be available at three sizes, 4GB, 6GB and 8GB. The color screen will be smaller than the last but at the same time it will support a higher resolution. iPod Shuffle is also expected to be updated with 2GB version and lower prices on the 512MB and 1GB versions. When we will get official information from Apple about the new iPod-players is uncertain but it will most likely not be during September 7th.
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