Apple has just as expected launched new versions of its flagship Power Mac G5 and waiting for the Intel-based systems we get to see during 2006 it has now once again turned to IBM and its new dual core PowerPC-processor. PowerPC 970MP is the new processor that is the foundation of Apple’s nya PowerMac G5-computers and now Apple has added G5-systems with both two and four cores. Power Mac G5 Dual is the base system that uses a dual core PowerPC-processor while Power Mac G5 Quad is a system with two dual core processors adding up to 4 physical CPU-cores. It also supports PCI Express with the new systems where you can install a GeForce 7800 GT or a Quadro FX4500 for optimal workstation performance.
As usual these systems are far from cheap as we are talking about Power Mac G5 and the price starts at 1999 USD without monitor. Whether this is the last big update of the Power Mac G5-series before Apple rolls over to Intel we don’t know. But processors with dual cores are more or less available everywhere today.