A couple of weeks ago we reviewed a power supply from Hiper, Type-R 480W, that used special molex connections. The regular white ones which sometimes can be a real pain was replaced with a much better design.
That these new connections isn’t available on all new power supplys is a bit hard to understand bescause they really improve the use of the PSU, but for those of you who doesn’t have these connections there is a cure.
Our mod writer, Richard “Dexil” Haaga, has taken a closer look at Vantec’s EZ-grip which simply is a replacements for your old molexes. At the same time Richard has taken the time to fix the cables from his PSU with some “sleeving”. Watch how you make your PSU more userfriendly and more appealing in our latest article.

It has a dramatic effect on the visual appeal of your computer, and at the same time provides a protecting vinyl cover for your cables. To increase the visual impression even more, they have also introduced molex connectors in varying colors. I’ll be checking those out some other time. Besides just looking good, the molex connectors also have small grips which make them easier to remove when the hard drive just won’t let go of them.

:: Read the entire article here

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