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ATI has chosen to follow NVIDIA for now and do some interesting acquisitions. Recently ULi was purchased by NVIDIA and now it’s graphics circuit manufacturer XGI that has gotten a new owner, or more precise it’s alliance company; Macrosynergy. Rumours have been going around that ATI would acquire XGI and it seems they were almost true. ATI has namely not acquired the whole company, but only a part of it, a part that will make it easier for ATI to establish itself in China. The fact that XGI is established in China, as the company is based in Shanghai, is important to ATI as it wants to have better access to the lucrative Chinese market.

“This transaction brings ATI two important elements – presence in a country that is emerging as the next big technology market, and a team of engineers that are highly skilled in our key product areas,”

What this will do for ATI and XGI’s graphics products remains to be seen. At X-bit Labs they’ve published some interesting comments on the purchase that once again strengthens the fact that the graphics market is a battle between ATI and NVIDIA.

:: Read on at X-bit Labs
:: Rea ATI’s press release

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