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ATI has since the end of 2005 been working on catching up with NVIDIA’s multi GPU technology SLI, a technology ATI didn’t consider a real threat when NVIDIA first launched it. The rest is of course history and except from that SLI has increased NVIDIA’s sales it has become the ultimate PR stunt as it is always able to offer the fastest graphics system on the market. Crossfire has now started to gain some momentum and even if there is a lot left to do ATI now has its own fully fucntional SLI equivalent. The problem is that NVIDIA has raised the stakes by launching Quad SLI, that by using two dual video cards it has fit 4 graphics circuits into one system. Now it seems that ATI is working on a similar solution where it will further develop its Gemini technology, where they’ve used two Radeon X1600 circuits on the same PCB.

A similar technology will use two R590 circuits and two of these Gemini cards will together create a Quad Crossfire solution. The big problem here though is to create a video card with room and power for two R590 circuits. That ATI will launch a Quad Crossfire solution is hardly surprising, the question is more likely how and when.

Source: The Inquirer

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