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ATI has sent out a document that describes its work with Microsoft’s next generation operating system Windows Vista. Vista will namely handle graphics card drivers in a completely new manner than Windows XP of today. Through the use of WDDM (Windows Display Driver Model) which will both improve security and is a key component of Vista’s 3D accelerated user interface. The document that ATI has now released is not intended as a deep technological article but more of an introduction for those who wants to know the differences between the handling of graphics drivers between Windows Vista and today’s operating systems, while at the same time ATI shows how much time and effort it has put into this.

Among others, ATI says it has been working on the Parallel Engine Support which will result in significantly more effecient data handling when multiple parts of the graphics card can work in parallel, I.e. at the same time. It is also a technology that will benefit ATI’s Crossfire technology and increase its efficiency. A very interesting document for those who wants to know more about how Vista handles your graphics card and its drivers but do keep in mind it is a PR document from ATI.

:: Download ATI Vista WDDM whitepaper (2MB, PDF)

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