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The Blu-ray format still has the lead in the format war, at least seen to the movie volume sales. According to the latest survey, which ended on February 18, the Blu-ray format had 65 percent of the High Definition video market, while HD DVD then had the remaining 35 percent. The sale figures have been like these since the start of the year and without having any real proof it seems that the launch of PlayStation 3 has been the biggest reason for the success of the Blu-ray format, just like Sony planned.

“VideoScan declined to draw any conclusions from the numbers, but starting about two weeks after the release of Sony’s PlayStation 3 videogame console, which includes a Blu-ray DVD player, the high definition format steadily grabbed market share from HD-DVD. Sony, which created the Blu-ray format, released PlayStation in the United States on Nov. 17.”

Whether PlayStation 3 will be the tip of the scales remains to be seen, but can’t say we would be surprised if so. If there anything that speaks in favor of Sony and Blu-ray it is certainly PlayStation 3, just as the Blu-ray format is very important for the future of the video game console.

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