Over at Penstarsys.com they’ve published an article on AMD and its future plans of memory use with their 64-platform. AMD has as many of you probably noticed choose not to use the DDR2 technology yet and information state that this should happen until the beginning of next year.
The reason for this is not very hard to grasp since the DDR2 technology don’t have any advantages on DDR1, especially not in he case of AMD’s Athlon 64-platform.
In the chronicle at penstarsys they ponder on whether AMD will take the leap at all, but might wait and try to speed things with the up and coming DDR3 technology that has been quite a success with graphics cards in the form of GDDR3.

“While the exact specifications of DDR3 are not yet ratified, I think that AMD is working very hard behind the scenes to get the technology to the market as soon as possible. While many of the features of DDR2 are very good, the drawbacks and compromises to the overall design make it a very unpalatable product for AMD.”

The chronicle contains quite a lot of interesting thoughts where we have to agree on most occations. There has been a very clear reason for AMD not to jump on the DDR2 technology earlier, just as they didn’t care for RDRAM from Rambus. The question is for how long AMD can keep it up and and if they will move directly on to DDR3.

Read the entire article over at Penstarsys.com

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