In Sweden we have a nickname for laptops that aren’t really portable, it translates into something like “towable”, a play on the word portable. CinematographHD is precisely that, but unlike a clumsy laptop, it is not necessarily a bad thing here. Case modder and video editor Will Urbina decided that it was time to make his desktop PC a bit more portable after growing tired of hiking around with his main rig. A laptop can never really measure all the way up to a desktop in terms of performance and usability. He aimed to create something in between, a towable PC.
CinematographHD looks a lot like the workstations NextComputing has presented and it is an efficient formfactor for those who wants to bring the entire PC with them, without being limited in performance. This is a home made build though, but the quality of the build is quite impressive. The most impressive is the two 22″ monitors baked into the case in a clean manner.
He has also posted a breathtaking video diary that shows how everything came together in 10 minute long presentation in HD format, which we really recommend watching.
:: The video diary
:: More on the case mod at