MacBook Pro have been heavily debated since the launch and one of the less flattering reasons is heat. Even though it’s based on a power efficient architecture from Intel, MacBook Pros have become really hot during regular use. When it hurts to have your laptop on your lap something is definitely wrong. Apple has of course considered the noise coming its machines when configuring the cooling of MacBook Pro, and it is an important thing to keep in mind when building a good computer, but the cooling is still just as important and lowering the temperature by a few degrees could mean a lot.
Alas, Apple doesn’t have any tools for this, but Hendrik Holtmann has now developed his own software for controlling the fans inside his MacBook Pro. The program is called smcFanControl and at Reg Hardware they’ve taken a closer look at this application which you can use to set the two fans to 1000 RPM but up to 6000 RPM. Using smcFanControl you can find your own “sweetspot” where noise and cooling is at a decent level.