On the 25th of February it’s the big blowout, well hopefully things won’t blow up, but there will at least be a big happening. The Texas Gaming Festival opens in about two weeks, something we usually don’t report on, but this year ATI, one of the mainsponsors, is holding an overclocking competition there. Something that perhaps won’t grasp any bigger attention, but if we say Fugger vs. Macci vs. Oppainter things are a bit different, right? These are the names of some of the best, if not THE best, in terms of 3DMark.

During the warmup this weekend Oppainter has beaten the world record in 3Dmark05 three times already, almost a 1000 points seperates him with the second place in 3DMark 05, not to shabby. At the moment his score is 8563 poäng. More inforamtion can be found here at Xtremesystems.

Fugger is in now way worse, but no 3DMark score to brag about here, but I believe this picture says it all:

7.2 GHz !

This is by far the best we’ve seen so far. According to Fugger himself it’s stable in the bios, but he can’t boot up Windows. The systems IDE controller has some problems with the frequency, which to be honest isn’t all that weird. Fugger is working on a solution and it’s going to be quite interesting to see what speed he will be able to boot Windows with. More on this at Xtremesystems.

Until further notice we congratulate both Fugger and Oppainter!

Sources: Xtremesystems, Ati, TXGF

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