December 19, 2000
Lets kick some alien butt ...
July 19, 2001
Neeej!!! SnĂ€lla!!! Kör inte det!! Om ni ska slösa datorkraft (som jag) đ sĂ„ kör dĂ„ Folding@Home dĂ„ man hjĂ€lper forskare bota Cancer och sĂ„dant!!
December 19, 2000
Blue_Moon_: Hum, fÄr vi fler sidvisningar för att folk kör seti? Hur dÄ? =)
SETI Àr alltsÄ Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, dÀr man spelar in radiosignaler frÄn rymden ur olika vinklar för att helt enkelt "avlyssna" rymden efter radiosignaler. Man tÀnker sig att just radiovÄgor skulle vara ett av de första sÀtten en avancerad civilisation skulle kommunicera pÄ.
Det vi gör med detta programmet Àr att vi analyserar signalerna man fÄtt frÄn rymden, för att avgöra ifall signalen Àr "tillverkad" eller om den Àr pga kosmisk bakgrundsstrÄlning eller liknande.
Vid ett tillfÀlle har man stött pÄ en signal man inte kan bortförklara som mÀnskliga faktorer eller pÄverkan.
Mer om denna signalen hittar ni hÀr:
Idag Àr det ca 4 500 000 deltagare i SETI, som Àr ett 100% seriöst projekt.
June 28, 2001
Blue_Moon_ wrote: okok henke.. đ
Ni Àr vÀl medvetna om att det har funnits vissa spekulationer om att SETI egentligen bearbetar information Ät olika försvarsmakter: missilbanor osv.
det Àr inte helt omöjligt. om sÄ Àr fallet sÄ kan ni rÀkna med att vilken organisation seti "igentligen" skulle hjÀlpa att berÀkna saker Ät sitter och skrattar röven av sig över vÄran fÄfÀnga.
tycker mer cancer forskning skulle hjÀlpa mÀnskligheten lite mer, med dagens teknik har vi ju inte kommigt lÀngre Àn till mÄnen, vad har vi dÄ för nytta av att hitta en signal frÄn andra sidan universum med ett Lagg pÄ nÄgra ljusÄr.
December 19, 2000
Pim_ wrote: Ring mig nÀr ni hittar ngr aliens sÄ att de kan lÄna ut lite datorkraft till mig istÀllet.
fniss det kunde vara trevligt att lĂ„na den datorkraft som SETI-nĂ€tverket har. VĂ€rldens snabbaste superdator "Earth Simulator" i Japan Ă€r ungefĂ€r hĂ€lften sĂ„ kraftfull som SETI-nĂ€tverket đź
36 Tflop klarar Earth Simulator
July 27, 2002
Henrik aka [NH wrote: ZeNNaN][quote=Pim_]Ring mig nÀr ni hittar ngr aliens sÄ att de kan lÄna ut lite datorkraft till mig istÀllet.
fniss det kunde vara trevligt att lĂ„na den datorkraft som SETI-nĂ€tverket har. VĂ€rldens snabbaste superdator "Earth Simulator" i Japan Ă€r ungefĂ€r hĂ€lften sĂ„ kraftfull som SETI-nĂ€tverket đź
36 Tflop klarar Earth Simulator
Har dom PC3200 ram tror du? Kanske ska köpa det!
Mer speccs pĂ„ deras nĂ€tverk tack đ
December 19, 2000
Ganska lagom ramminne dĂ€r .. med 10 TByte kan man har ganksa mĂ„nga applikationer igĂ„ng samtidigt đź
The Earth Simulator (ES) is a project of Japanese agencies NASDA, JAERI and JAMSTEC to develop a 40 TFLOPS system for climate modeling.
The ES site is a new location in an industrial area of Yokohama, an hour drive west of Tokyo. The facility became operational in late 2001, and claimed first spot in current Top 500 list. In spite of a public 5-year development period leading to that event, the US supercomputing community was caught by surprise.
The ES is based on:
5,120 (640 8-way nodes) 500 MHz NEC CPUs
8 GFLOPS per CPU (41 TFLOPS total)
2 GB (4 512 MB FPLRAM modules) per CPU (10 TB total)
shared memory inside the node
640 Ă 640 crossbar switch between the nodes
16 GB/s inter-node bandwidth
20 kVA power consumption per node
The vector CPU is made using 0.15 μm CMOS process, and is a descendant (same speed, smaller process) of the NEC SX-5 CPU. The machine runs a version of the Super-UX UNIX-based OS. OpenMP parallel directives are used within a node, and MPI-2 or HPF must be used across multiple nodes, necessitating a dual-level parallel implementation. In fact this can be considered a three-level parallel system, if single-CPU vectorization is taken into account; however, vectorization is largely automatic. Still, an optimized code will need to employ MPI-2 at the subdomain level, OpenMP at the loop level, and vectorization directives at the instruction level all at once.
The CPUs are housed in 320 cabinets, 2 8-CPU nodes per cabinet. The cabinets (blue) are organized in a ring around the interconnect, which is housed in another 65 cabinets (green). Another layer of the circle is formed by disk array cabinets (white). The whole thing occupies a building 65 m long and 50 m wide. Activity on the nodes is signalled by a bright green beacon at the top of the cabinet, and if a fault occurs, a similar red light turns on. Switch cabinets also have green and red signaling lights for various types of communication events.
The machine room sits at approximately 4th floor level. The 3rd floor level is taken by hundreds of kilometers of copper cabling, and the lower floors house the air conditioning and electrical equipment. The structure is enclosed in a cooling shell, with the air pumped from underneath through the cabinets, and collected to the two long sides of the building. The aeroshell gives the building its "pumped-up" appearance. The machine room is electromagnetically shielded to prevent interference from nearby expressway and rail. Even the halogen light sources are outside the shield, and the light is distributed by a grid of scattering pipes under the ceiling. The entire structure is mechanically isolated from the surroundings, suspended in order to make it less prone to earthquake damage. All attachments (power, cooling, access walkways) are flexible.
January 6, 2003
Testade att instalera Folding@home men det var sÄ buggigt, hÀngde sig flera gÄnger...
Nu ska datorn hÀr pÄ jobbet stÄ pÄ 24/7 och leta efter ailens =D
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